Cyber Senate are pleased to welcome Waco Bankston, General Manager, Corporate Services, STP Nuclear to our 9th annual Control Systems Cybersecurity USA conference in Celebration Florida Sept 29-30th 2022.
Mr Bankson Waco Bankston is General Manager, Corporate Services. Mr Bankston will be presenting “The Human Firewall – Integrating People, Processes & Systems.”

Often processes and systems are thought to be priority and then the human element. Perhaps, the best protection against cyber crime are the thousands of human firewalls that exist within our organizations.

Processes and systems are also vitally important. Processes help organize human behavior into precise ways of thinking about thwarting cyber crime while systems support the gaps that human beings can’t detect.

Incident response also involves Human Resources. We will share how STP Nuclear responds to incidents and the key stakeholders involved.

Finally, when we integrate people, processes and systems into one unit, we have the best possible chance at mitigating substantial risk to our organizations. We will discuss how doing this can help an organization continue to innovate quickly with the changing marketplace while mitigating cyber risk.

Mr Bankston is responsible for Information Technology (IT), Cyber Security and many of the company’s Shared Services organizations, including Human Resources, Nuclear Records Management, Document Control, Technical Support Services and Administration.

Waco successfully transformed STP’s IT department into a serviceoriented, value-adding organization while improving team morale and
leadership bench strength. Currently, he is leading the implementation of mobile technologies and infrastructure, which will provide field
operations crews a complete Mobile Work Management platform resulting in long-term efficiencies and future cost savings. Waco also is
leading the transformation and restructuring of the Human Resources function at STP with a focus on improved employee services and
the firm’s long-term sustainability. He has been instrumental in the development of the company’s first ever People Health Committee,
where an acute focus is placed on Succession, High Potential, and Knowledge Transfer and Retention programs.