News specific to Rail Cybersecurity and Cyber Senate Rail Cybersecurity conferences.

Key government agencies and industry experts join the Cyber Senate Rail Cybersecurity USA conference


Key government agencies and industry experts join the Cyber Senate Rail Cybersecurity USA conference in Arlington Virginia on May 12/13th 2022 to address new directives and provide additional guidance to the US rail industry. The convergence of IT and operational technology, coupled with the integration of often untested, uncertified third-party [...]

Key government agencies and industry experts join the Cyber Senate Rail Cybersecurity USA conference2022-07-05T09:50:01+00:00

Rail Sector: WHY WE NEED TS 50701


Why We Need TS 50701 presented by Alstom and Christian Schlehuber, Convenor of CENELEC TC 9X/WG 26 March 15/16th and May 12/13th in Arlington VA. How it has been defined, by who ? TS Overview – What you will you find […]

Rail Sector: WHY WE NEED TS 507012023-10-26T09:41:38+00:00

Network Rail discusses “Security Assurance and Link to Product Certification”


Network Rail CISO, Darren Hepburn, will present at the Cyber Senate 7th annual Rail Cybersecurity Europe conference this March 15th and 16th discussing "Security Assurance and Link to Product Certification." Learn more about this presentation and the conference Darren Hepburn is an Information and Cyber Security Professional with over 25 [...]

Network Rail discusses “Security Assurance and Link to Product Certification”2023-10-26T09:42:52+00:00

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Phone: UK +44 (0)20 7096 5081

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